Top "Subtype" questions

How does `isInstanceOf` work?

Assume, we have: class B class A extends B trait T Then it holds: val a: A with T = new …

scala subtype
<Subtype>Designer</Subtype> Added then removed by Visual Studio on load/unload

Anyone see this before? I have a large Visual Studio project that keeps adding [Subtype]Designer[/Subtype] to my .vcproj …

visual-studio designer csproj subtype

I'm trying to compose a function to obtain MD5 hashes from bits I've gathered here and there. I want to …

oracle plsql md5 oracle-xe subtype
In what ways are subtypes different from subclasses in usage?

A subtype is established when a class is linked by means of extending or implementing. Subtypes are also used for …

java subclass subtype
How do I apply subtypes into an SQL Server database?

I am working on a program in which you can register complaints. There are three types of complaints: internal (errors …

sql-server subtype supertype
Parse to a Subclass by default with Jackson

I have a class called Product and some subclasses extending it. Now in my annotations I have many types, like …

java jackson subtype