Top "Cqrs" questions

Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern which separates commands (that change the data) from queries (that read the data).

Practical examples of how correlation id is used in messaging?

Can anyone give me examples of how in production a correlation id can be used? I have read it is …

rabbitmq message-queue nservicebus amqp cqrs
What is an example of a task based UI?

My team has been "tasked" to create an application that follows the task-based UI (not necessarily with CQRS). I really …

user-interface domain-driven-design cqrs
What is the difference between Command + CommandHandler and Service?

I have been reading about using Command objects to represent use cases that our domain exposes, and Command Handler objects …

design-patterns domain-driven-design cqrs command-pattern
How to instantiate Mediatr as part of a Unit Test?

I am trying to build an xUnit Test project for an MVC Core 2.2 Application that is based on the CQRS/…

cqrs mediatr
CQRS without Event Sourcing - what are the drawbacks?

Besides missing some of the benefits of Event Sourcing, are there any other drawbacks to adapting an existing architecture to …

cqrs event-sourcing ncqrs
CQRS Commands and Queries - Do they belong in the domain?

In CQRS, do they Commands and Queries belong in the Domain? Do the Events also belong in the Domain? If …

domain-driven-design cqrs
Handling errors/exceptions in a mediator pipeline using CQRS?

I'm trying to follow this post by Jimmy Bogard to implement a mediator pipeline so I can use pre/post …

c# autofac cqrs mediatr
Event Sourcing Resources

Looking for some suggestions for useful discussion groups, articles, success stories, reference apps, and tooling (.Net) on the subject of …

c# .net cqrs event-sourcing
How to Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) with ASP.NET MVC?

I have been reading about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). I sort of wonder how would this work with ASP.… nhibernate orm cqrs
CQRS sagas - did I understand them right?

I'm trying to understand sagas, and meanwhile I have a specific way of thinking of them - but I am …

aggregate cqrs saga