Top "Nservicebus" questions

NServiceBus is a highly pluggable, reliable, open source Enterprise Service Bus built on .NET.

What is a servicebus and when do I need one?

I have heard talk about the NServiceBus, but I haven't really understood what it is. They claim to be "The …

.net nservicebus servicebus
NServiceBus vs MassTransit

I'm struggling with a pros and cons list regarding NServiceBus and MassTransit. Now I know there is already a thread …

.net nservicebus esb masstransit
nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

Just doing some quick spikes into possibly using a messaging system to process files that are in a nicely decoupled …

msmq nservicebus servicebus masstransit rhino-esb
MessageQueueException (0x80004005): Access to Message Queuing system is denied

I have an exsiting application that works fine on a windows 2003 server. I having been moving it to windows 2008r2 …

msmq nservicebus
NServiceBus license?

Update: The most current licensing info can be found here: So, I am reading the license …

.net nservicebus
Win Service getting permission denied to Message Queuing

I have a WinService that can't start because NServiceBus throws "Service cannot be started. System.Messaging.MessageQueueException (0x80004005): Access to …

c#-4.0 windows-services nservicebus
NServiceBus vs Windows ServiceBus

Would someone be able to shed some light on the differences between the newly release Windows ServiceBus (on premise, not …

nservicebus servicebus nservicebus3
Practical examples of how correlation id is used in messaging?

Can anyone give me examples of how in production a correlation id can be used? I have read it is …

rabbitmq message-queue nservicebus amqp cqrs
NServiceBus and Rabbit MQ or Kafka

I am trying to learn messaging system. I have found that RabbitMq and NServiceBus are using together in few places. …

rabbitmq apache-kafka message-queue nservicebus
Specific advantages of NServiceBus over plain RabbitMQ

Are there any advantages of using NServiceBus over simply using the .net driver for RabbitMQ (assuming we can replace MSMQ …

nservicebus rabbitmq amqp