Top "Amqp" questions

AMQP is an open messaging standard.

RabbitMQ / AMQP: single queue, multiple consumers for same message?

I am just starting to use RabbitMQ and AMQP in general. I have a queue of messages I have multiple …

node.js messaging rabbitmq amqp node-amqp
What are the limits of messages, queues and exchanges in RabbitMQ?

What are the allowed types of messages (strings, bytes, integers, etc.)? What is the maximum size of a message? What …

rabbitmq message-queue message amqp rabbitmq-exchange
RabbitMQ and relationship between channel and connection

The RabbitMQ Java client has the following concepts: Connection - a connection to a RabbitMQ server instance Channel - ??? Consumer …

java rabbitmq messaging amqp channel
How do I stop the RabbitMQ server on localhost

I installed RabbitMQ server on OS X, and started it on command line. Now, it is not obvious that how …

rabbitmq amqp
How can I list or discover queues on a RabbitMQ exchange using python?

I need to have a python client that can discover queues on a restarted RabbitMQ server exchange, and then start …

python rabbitmq amqp
How can I recover unacknowledged AMQP messages from other channels than my connection's own?

It seems the longer I keep my rabbitmq server running, the more trouble I have with unacknowledged messages. I would …

rabbitmq celery amqp pika celeryd
JMS and AMQP - RabbitMQ

I am trying to understand what JMS and how it is connected to AMQP terminology. I know JMS is an …

java jms rabbitmq message-queue amqp
What is the "delivery mode" in AMQP?

I understand that 2 options are available: "Non-persistent" "Persistent" But what does this actually mean? "Non-persistent" as in : the AMQP fabric …

RabbitMQ - How many queues can RabbitMQ handle on a single server?

What's the maximum number of queues that RabbitMQ can handle on a single server? Does it depend on RAM? Does …

rabbitmq message-queue amqp
Simple way to install RabbitMQ in Ubuntu?

Is there any simple way to install RabbitMQ for Ubuntu? I did the the following: Add the following line to /…

ubuntu rabbitmq amqp