Celery is a distributed task queue framework for Python, used for asynchronous and parallel execution.
How can I retrieve a list of tasks in a queue that are yet to be processed?
python celeryHow can I delete all pending tasks without knowing the task_id for each task?
task rabbitmq celery celery-taskHow does one check whether a task is running in celery (specifically, I'm using celery-django)? I've read the documentation, and …
python web-services celery django-celeryI'm trying to run example from Celery documentation. I run: celeryd --loglevel=INFO /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/celery/loaders/…
python celeryI have been reading the doc and searching but cannot seem to find a straight answer: Can you cancel an …
python django celery message-passingDoes anyone know what the maximum value size you can store in redis? I want to use redis as a …
redis celeryI'm wondering how to setup a more specific logging system. All my tasks use logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) as a …
python logging celeryI'm using Django Celery task to connect to Facebook Graph API with requests lib using Gevent. Issue I'm constantly running …
python django celery python-requests gevent