Top "Gevent" questions

Gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of libevent (libev after 1.0) event loop.

Byte Array in Python

How can I represent a byte array (like in Java with byte[]) in Python? I'll need to send it over …

python byte gevent
When to use Tornado, when to use Twisted / Cyclone / GEvent / other

Which of these frameworks / libraries would be the best choise for building modern multiuser web application? I would love to …

python webserver twisted tornado gevent
Python SSL connection "EOF occurred in violation of protocol"

I'm using Django Celery task to connect to Facebook Graph API with requests lib using Gevent. Issue I'm constantly running …

python django celery python-requests gevent
Dynamically changing log level without restarting the application

Is it possible to change the log level using fileConfig in python without restarting the application. If it cannot be …

python logging gevent
Python requests with multithreading

I've been trying to build a scraper with multithreading functionality past two days. Somehow I still couldn't manage it. At …

python multithreading asynchronous python-requests gevent
Greenlet Vs. Threads

I am new to gevents and greenlets. I found some good documentation on how to work with them, but none …

python concurrency gevent coroutine greenlets
Websockets in Flask

I'm currently researching websocket support in Python and am a bit confused with the offerings. On one hand it's possible …

python websocket flask uwsgi gevent
gevent does not install properly on Ubuntu

I want to experiment with gevent, but after installing it I can't load any gevent module. The installation steps are: …

python gevent
How can I install the Python library 'gevent' on Mac OS X Lion

Python library gevent, version 0.13.6 (the current version on PyPI) will not pip install on OS X Lion, Python 2.7 (and probably …

python macos osx-lion gevent
In what way is grequests asynchronous?

I've been using the python requests library for some time, and recently had a need to make a request asynchronously, …

python python-requests gevent grequests