Top "Gevent" questions

Gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of libevent (libev after 1.0) event loop.

KeyError in module 'threading' after a successful py.test run

I'm running a set of tests with py.test. They pass. Yippie! But I'm getting this message: Exception KeyError: KeyError(4427427920,) …

python gevent pytest
I can't install Gevent

I need to install Gevent for python2.7 but after try almost all I still doesn't install it. I have python 2.6.6 …

python python-2.7 gevent
How to install gevent on Windows?

I'm trying to install gevent on Windows. In order to do that, I've downloaded and compiled libevent, then I run …

python pip gevent libevent
Using gevent monkey patching with threading makes thread work serially

I am using gevent and I am monkey patching everything. It seems like the monkey patching causes the threading to …

python multithreading gevent
how enable requests async mode?

for this code: import sys import gevent from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import requests import urllib2 def worker(…

python asynchronous urllib2 gevent python-requests
Eventlet or gevent or Stackless + Twisted, Pylons, Django and SQL Alchemy

We're using Twisted extensively for apps requiring a great deal of asynchronous io. There are some cases where stuff is …

python gevent pypy eventlet python-stackless
Using Celery on processes and gevent in tasks at the same time

I'd like to use Celery as a queue for my tasks so my web app could enqueue a task, return …

python multiprocessing celery gevent monkeypatching
Eventlet vs Greenlet vs gevent?

I'm trying to create a GUI framework that will have an event-loop. some threads to handle the UI and some …

python multithreading gevent eventlet greenlets
How to run gevent in production

I am making use of gevent in my Python application (Django based). However, I am now wondering how to run …

python gevent gunicorn
gevent library: "Import Error: no module named greenlet"

hello guys I have downloaded a script that require gevent python library and every time I run the script it …

python gevent