Top "Grequests" questions

GRequests allows you to use Requests with Gevent to make asyncronous HTTP Requests easily.

<class 'requests.models.Response'> to Json

I've never done any object oriented programming, only basic script writing. I'm playing around with grequests rs = (grequests.get('https://…

python json grequests
In what way is grequests asynchronous?

I've been using the python requests library for some time, and recently had a need to make a request asynchronously, …

python python-requests gevent grequests
Using Requests library to make asynchronous requests with Python 3.7

I need to make asynchronous requests using the Requests library. In Python 3.7 if I try from requests import async I …

python python-3.x python-requests grequests
In requests library, how can I avoid "HttpConnectionPool is full, discarding connection" warning?

I'm using python requests library with sessions: def _get_session(self): if not self.session: self.session = requests.Session() return …

python multithreading python-requests httplib grequests
How do I make HTTP POST requests with grequests

I tried the following: import grequests urls = ['http://localhost/test', 'http://localhost/test'] params = {'a':'b', 'c':'d'} rs = (grequests.…

python grequests
Using grequests to send a pool of requests, how can I get the response time of each individual request?

I am using the grequests python library to send GET requests asynchronously to our server. I cant figure out how …

python-requests grequests
parallel post requests using multiprocessing and requests in Python

I have small code snippet as below: import requests import multiprocessing header = { 'X-Location': 'UNKNOWN', 'X-AppVersion': '2.20.0', 'X-UniqueId': '2397123', …

python-2.7 parallel-processing multiprocessing python-requests grequests
Using grequests to make several thousand get requests to sourceforge, get "Max retries exceeded with url"

I am very new to all of this; I need to obtain data on several thousand sourceforge projects for a …

python http-get grequests