Top "Rabbitmq-exchange" questions

In RabbitMQ, messages are not published directly to a queue.

What are the limits of messages, queues and exchanges in RabbitMQ?

What are the allowed types of messages (strings, bytes, integers, etc.)? What is the maximum size of a message? What …

rabbitmq message-queue message amqp rabbitmq-exchange
Topic Exchange vs Direct Exchange in RabbitMQ

We've got an application which will be using RabbitMQ and have several different queues for passing messages between tiers. Initially, …

rabbitmq message-queue rabbitmq-exchange
RabbitMQ Declare Exchange from Terminal - Access refused: /api/exchanges/

I'm using rabbitmq to handle messages between my databases for an enterprise application I work on. As part of the …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl rabbitmqadmin
why do we need routing key in rabbitmq

I am wondering why do we need routing key to route message from exchange to queue. Can't we use the …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
Spring-boot-starter RabbitMQ global error handling

I am using spring-boot-starter-amqp 1.4.2.Producer and consumer working fine but sometimes the incoming JSON messages have an incorrect syntax. This …

spring-boot rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange spring-rabbit
Rabbitmq File Descriptor Limit

Rabbitmq documentation says that we need to do some configuration before we use it on production. One of the configuration …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
multiple Rabbitmq queues with spring boot

From spring boot tutorial: They give an example of creating 1 queue and 1 queue only, …

spring-boot rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp rabbitmq-exchange
Rabbit mq - Error while waiting for Mnesia tables

I have installed rabbitmq using helm chart on a kubernetes cluster. The rabbitmq pod keeps restarting. On inspecting the pod …

kubernetes rabbitmq google-kubernetes-engine kubernetes-helm rabbitmq-exchange
Scaling in Rabbitmq

While using Clusters in Rabbit MQ, I was planning to use the Competing Subscriber pattern. Producer : 1 Exchange : 1 direct Queue : 1 Consumers : …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
Client unexpectedly closed TCP connection

I have a couple of tasks running as a service. To kick off the worker I use: def SvcDoRun(self): …

python rabbitmq celery rabbitmq-exchange