Top "Spring-amqp" questions

Spring components for AMQP-based messaging.

Spring AMQP + RabbitMQ 3.3.5 ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN

I am getting below exception org.springframework.amqp.AmqpAuthenticationException: com.rabbitmq.client.AuthenticationFailureException: ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using …

rabbitmq spring-integration spring-amqp
How to configure RabbitMQ connection with spring-rabbit?

I'm following this guide to learn how to use spring-rabbit with RabbitMQ. However in this guide, the RabbitMQ configuration is …

spring-boot rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Spring RabbitMQ - using manual channel acknowledgement on a service with @RabbitListener configuration

How to acknowledge the messages manually without using auto acknowledgement. Is there a way to use this along with the @…

java rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
how to mock spring amqp/rabbit in spring boot test

How to mock spring rabbitmq/amqp so it will not fail during a Spring Boot Test while trying to auto …

spring spring-test spring-amqp spring-rabbit
RabbitMQ/AMQP - Best Practice Queue/Topic Design in a MicroService Architecture

We are thinking of introducing a AMQP based approach for our microservice infrastructure (choreography). We do have several services, let's …

rabbitmq esb amqp spring-amqp
spring boot rabbitmq MappingJackson2MessageConverter custom object conversion

I'm trying to create a simple spring boot app with spring boot that "produce" messages to a rabbitmq exchange/queue …

java json rabbitmq spring-boot spring-amqp
Execution of Rabbit message listener failed, and no ErrorHandler has been set. Failed to invoke target method with argument type = [class [B],

I am using spring amqp rabbitmq, and sending messages using Message message = MessageBuilder .withBody(item.toString().getBytes()) .setReplyTo("importReply") .setCorrelationId(…

java spring rabbitmq spring-amqp
RabbitMQ Failed to declare queue and Listener is not able to get queue on server

I have spring boot rabbitmq application where i have to send an Employee object to queue. Then i have set …

spring-boot rabbitmq message-queue spring-amqp spring-rabbit
How to configure and receiveAndConvert jSON payload into domain Object in Spring Boot and RabbitMQ

Recently I have been having a keen interest on Microservice Architecture using Spring Boot. My implementation has two Spring boot …

java spring rabbitmq spring-boot spring-amqp