Top "Spring-amqp" questions

Spring components for AMQP-based messaging.

Set message header in rabbitmq while sending

I want to set message header while sending a message to rabbit. I am using below code, but confused how …

jackson rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Automatic retry connection to broker by spring-rabbitmq

I have read this fragment of docs: RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology recovery Since the first version of Spring AMQP, the …

java spring-boot spring-integration spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Spring AMQP: how to avoid manual declaration of many queues?

Having created a basic spring-amqp setup, I see that for every type of message I want to send (using message …

java spring spring-amqp
Spring AMQP - Sender and Receiving Messages

I am facing an issue in receiving a message from RabbitMQ. I am sending a message like below HashMap<…

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
multiple Rabbitmq queues with spring boot

From spring boot tutorial: They give an example of creating 1 queue and 1 queue only, …

spring-boot rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp rabbitmq-exchange
Using @RabbitListener with Jackson2JsonMessageConverter

I have spent the last little while trying to get it so that my handler that is registered using @RabbitListener …

Queue Size in Spring AMQP Java client

I am using Spring amqp 1.1 version as my java client. I have a queue which has around 2000 messages. I want …

spring rabbitmq spring-amqp
Spring with AMQP and RabbitMQ, queue with optional x-dead-letter-exchange

I have an existing queue created in RabbitMQ. It can be created with or without x-dead-letter-exchange parameter. I am creating …

java spring rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp
JUnit Tests for RabbitMQ

I am building an application using RabbitMQ with Spring: so far so good. To define Unit Tests I am using …

java spring junit spring-amqp spring-rabbit
RabbitMQ suspend queue consumption

What is the best way to keep a durable queue and its bindings but suspend its consumers? The use case …

java rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp