Top "Spring-amqp" questions

Spring components for AMQP-based messaging.

Manually ack messages in RabbitMQ

Previously I was reading all the messages present in the queue, but now I have to return specific amount of …

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Scheduled/Delay messaging in Spring AMQP RabbitMq

I am struggling hard to find out the way for scheduled/Delaying messages in Spring AMQP/Rabbit MQ.After hell …

rabbitmq spring-amqp
Is it possible to set prefetch count on @RabbitListener

I know it is possible to make SimpleMessageListenerContainer bean and set prefetch count and message listener here, like this: @Bean …

java spring spring-amqp
How to acknowledge message through program using Spring AMQP/Spring integration

1) Server sends a message to client. 2) Inbound channel adapter is configured to wait for "MANUAL" acknowledge mode operation from consumer 3) "…

spring-integration spring-amqp
Spring RabbitTemplate - How to create queues automatically upon send

I am using RabbitMQ together with Spring's RabbitTemplate. When sending messages to queues using the template send methods, I want …

java spring rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Send files through RabbitMQ

Is it a good idea to send files with size about 1Mb through RabbitMQ? I want to send message in …

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit