Top "Spring-amqp" questions

Spring components for AMQP-based messaging.

How to use Ack or Nack in Spring AMQP

I am new to Spring AMQP. I am having an application which is a producer sending messages to the other …

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
MessageConversionException: Failed to convert message content

I have a SpringBoot Application which makes use of Spring AMQP. At the moment I am implementing the receiver side …

spring rabbitmq spring-integration spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Spring AMQP v1.4.2 - Rabbit reconnection issue on network failure

I am testing the following scenario in Spring AMQP v1.4.2 and it fails to reconnect after a network disruption: Start …

spring spring-amqp
rabbitmq consume json message and convert into Java object

I have put together a java test. It puts a message on a queue and returns it as a string. …

java rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Spring amqp converter issue using rabbit listener

I think I am missing something here..I am trying to create simple rabbit listner which can accept custom object …

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit
How to deal with JSON message with spring-rabbit in spring boot application?

Here are my code snippets. MQConfiguration class for configuration @Configuration public class MQConfiguration { @Bean public Receiver receiver() { return new Receiver(); } } …

java spring spring-boot spring-amqp spring-rabbit
Cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue

I have an anonymous and exclusive queue defined like this: @Bean public SimpleMessageListenerContainer responseMessageListenerContainer(){ SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(simpleRoutingConnectionFactory()); container.…

spring spring-amqp
How is concurrency in Spring AMQP Listener Container implemented?

My container XML config: <rabbit:listener-container connection-factory="myConnectionFactory" acknowledge="none" concurrency="10" requeue-rejected="false"> <rabbit:listener ref="myListener" …

java spring rabbitmq amqp spring-amqp
Activemq vs rabbitmq

I have read a few discussions and forums but still fail to understand which one is better rabbitmq vs activemq. …

java spring-mvc message-queue spring-jms spring-amqp
how to use @queuebinding with @rabbitlistener?

Seems since spring-amqp version 1.5, there is a new annotation @queuebinding。But how to use it, i don't know if it …

rabbitmq spring-amqp spring-rabbit