Top "Rabbitmqctl" questions

command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker

Is it possible to view RabbitMQ message contents directly from the command line?

Is it possible to view RabbitMQ message contents directly from the command line? sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues lists the queues. …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl rabbitmqadmin
Delete all the queues from RabbitMQ?

I installed rabbitmqadmin and was able to list all the exchanges and queues. How can I use rabbitmqadmin or rabbitmqctl …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
rabbitmqctl Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@myserver nodedown

I am running RabbitMQ v3.3.5 with Erlang OTP 17.1 on Windows 2008 R2. My Dev and QA environments are stand-alone. My staging …

windows erlang rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
RabbitMQ Error: unable to connect to nodes : nodedown

I am trying to do clustering using two Rhel instances. I am able to ping each other and even when …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
epmd error for host myhost: address (cannot connect to host/port) on windows 10

I am trying to install rabbitmq. The installation of both erlang i.e OTP 18.1 file was done successfulyl and also …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl epmd
rabbitmq list queues on all vhosts

I've got rabbitmq with couple virtual hosts, there is few queues on each. How can I list all queues from …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
RabbitMQ Declare Exchange from Terminal - Access refused: /api/exchanges/

I'm using rabbitmq to handle messages between my databases for an enterprise application I work on. As part of the …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl rabbitmqadmin
How to use rabbitmqctl to connect to the rabbitmqserver in the docker container?

I've used docker to start my rabbitmqserver. How can I use rabbitmqctl to connect to the rabbitmqserver in the docker …

rabbitmq docker rabbitmqctl
why do we need routing key in rabbitmq

I am wondering why do we need routing key to route message from exchange to queue. Can't we use the …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
How to handle RabbitMQ Logs?

We're running RabbitMQ and the .log it's writing to the log folder get quiet large. What's the right thing to …

logging rabbitmq administration rabbitmqctl