Top "Rabbitmqctl" questions

command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker

Rabbitmq channel error on connection

I have working srv0 with Application normally connected to rabbitmq I've cloned srv0 to srv1 just ip chanded via customization(…

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
Define RabbitMQ policies in configuration file

I'd like to define mirroring for all my queues by default. I currently have to use rabbitmqctl once the node …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
Rabbitmq File Descriptor Limit

Rabbitmq documentation says that we need to do some configuration before we use it on production. One of the configuration …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
Create vHost on Windows RabbitMQ node using command line

I have a RabbitMQ node on windows operating system. I want to create vhost on that node from command line …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
RabbitMQ log and Mnesia location in Environment variables not reflecting?

I want to change the Rabbitmq MNESIA dir to /disk folder instead of default /var/lib. I did the change …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
Unable to perform an operation on node rabbitmq

Trying to set up a rabbitmq with rabbit@localhost, but: c:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.18\sbin>rabbitmqctl …

rabbitmq rabbitmqctl
Scaling in Rabbitmq

While using Clusters in Rabbit MQ, I was planning to use the Competing Subscriber pattern. Producer : 1 Exchange : 1 direct Queue : 1 Consumers : …

rabbitmq rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl
How to copy messages to another queue on RabbitMQ?

Using RabbitMQ as broker, I would like to copy all the messages from one queue to another queue for test/…

rabbitmq message-queue amqp rabbitmqctl
RabbitMQ - access to vhost 'XXX' refused for user 'guest'

I am using RabbitMQ 3.0.3 version. The service was working fine for last 4-5 years. Recently some updates patches were installed …

.net rabbitmq masstransit rabbitmq-exchange rabbitmqctl