Top "Servicebus" questions

Windows Service Bus is both an on-premises and Windows Azure hosted service.

.net service bus recommendations?

We are in need of a distributed architecture messaging system/service bus with the capability of Publish/Subscribe. Does anyone …

c# .net distributed messaging servicebus
What is a servicebus and when do I need one?

I have heard talk about the NServiceBus, but I haven't really understood what it is. They claim to be "The …

.net nservicebus servicebus
View content of an Azure Service Bus queue

I would like to see the messages (and their content) that are currently sitting in a queue waiting to be …

azure servicebus
Azure Service Bus vs RabbitMQ for Enterprise applications

I need to decide between Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ (Deployed on Azure) for an enterprise level application and my …

rabbitmq azureservicebus servicebus bitnami
nServiceBus vs Mass Transit vs Rhino Service Bus vs other?

Just doing some quick spikes into possibly using a messaging system to process files that are in a nicely decoupled …

msmq nservicebus servicebus masstransit rhino-esb
Is Service Bus for Windows Server dead

We are currently using it for development, however the last release was Service Bus 1.1 over two years ago. Should Service …

NServiceBus vs Windows ServiceBus

Would someone be able to shed some light on the differences between the newly release Windows ServiceBus (on premise, not …

nservicebus servicebus nservicebus3
Azure Service Bus Scalability

I am trying to understand how can I make Azure Service Bus Topic to be scaleable to handle >10,000 requests/…

azure scalability servicebus
Service Bus The token has an invalid signature

I am trying to create a service bus relay based on this article I get an error message Generic: InvalidSignature: …

c# azure servicebus
How to filter a ServiceBus topic subscription based on a built-in property of the BrokeredMessage class?

Using the June 2012 Azure SDK, I have a service bus topic, and I am adding a subscription to it. I …

c# azure publish-subscribe servicebus