.net service bus recommendations?

Chris Kooken picture Chris Kooken · Oct 9, 2009 · Viewed 55.2k times · Source

We are in need of a distributed architecture messaging system/service bus with the capability of Publish/Subscribe. Does anyone have any reccomendations for a framework that we can use for .net applications?


Dale Ragan picture Dale Ragan · Oct 9, 2009

NServiceBus is growing in popularity. It is open source as well. Here is a Hanselminutes episode with Scott Hanselman talking with Udi Dahan about NServiceBus to help grok it. You should definitely evaluate using it.

UPDATE: There's also a DNR TV episode which shows what it's like to build an NServiceBus solution from scratch here: http://www.dnrtv.com/default.aspx?showNum=199