Top "Servicebus" questions

Windows Service Bus is both an on-premises and Windows Azure hosted service.

What does Windows Service Bus add to MSMQ?

I'd like to make an informed choice towards a simple publish/subscribe architecture. So I'm wondering: what does the Service …

c# .net msmq publish-subscribe servicebus
How does Windows Azure Service Bus Queues Duplicate Detection work?

I know that you can set duplicate detection to work over a time period with an azure service bus queue. …

azure duplicates detection servicebus
Azure Service Bus equivalent?

I've been studying Azure's Service Bus and was wondering... Are there any equivalent services provided by other cloud vendors such …

azure cloud servicebus
Alternatives to NServiceBus that doesn't use MSMQ

I think the title sums it all .... We have a .NET 2.0 system trying to implement a distributed pub/ sub model. …

.net architecture msmq servicebus
What is a servicebus?

I've read about nservicebus countless times on the net, but still don't get what a service bus is. All I …

nservicebus servicebus
How to get connection string to existing servicebus without old azure portal

Due to restrictions in the company I cannot use old azure portal. But I have a requirement to use ServiceBus …

azure azureservicebus servicebus azure-servicebus-queues
Enterprise Service Bus, .NET Service Bus, NServiceBus and the wheels on the bus

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), .NET Service Bus (Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus), NServiceBus, RhinoServiceBus, MassTransit and so on. I'm trying …

.net nservicebus esb servicebus
Why would you use a message based system?

What are the motivations for using a message based system? I'm seeing a lot about service buses such as NServiceBus …

language-agnostic messages servicebus
C# Queue or ServiceBus with no dependencies?

Is there a product (ideally open source, but not necessary), that would enable a zero dependency deployment? every service bus …

c# queue servicebus