Top "Cqrs" questions

Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern which separates commands (that change the data) from queries (that read the data).

Domain queries in CQRS

We are trying out CQRS. We have a validation situation where a CustomerService (domain service) needs to know whether or …

domain-driven-design cqrs
EasyNetQ fails to publish to RabbitMQ - PersistentChannel timed out

I am trying to connect to RabbitMQ with EasyNetQ. RabbitMQ is on remote VM. _rabbitBus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus( string.Format("host={0};…

rabbitmq cqrs easynetq
Business rule validators and command handler in CQRS

I am new to CQRS and I am tying to make sense of business rule validation within the write side (…

validation command nservicebus cqrs business-rules
Domain Validation in a CQRS architecture

Danger ... Danger Dr. Smith... Philosophical post ahead The purpose of this post is to determine if placing the validation logic …

c# validation architecture domain-driven-design cqrs
Axon Framework vs Eventuate comparison

We are currently doing some research about CQRS and Event Sourcing and found two major frameworks taking care of these …

cqrs event-sourcing akka-persistence axon
IRequestHandler return void

Please see the code below: public class CreatePersonHandler : IRequestHandler<CreatePersonCommand,bool> { public async Task<bool> Handle(…

c# cqrs mediatr
Command Validation in DDD with CQRS

I am learning DDD and making use of the CQRS pattern. I don't understand how to validate business rules in …

validation domain-driven-design cqrs
Structure of a CQRS event store

I'm currently trying to understand how to build the internal structure of an event store. What I got so far: …

cqrs event-sourcing
Inter-Aggregate Communication in CQRS + DDD + Event Sourcing

How should separate aggregate roots (AR) communicate with one another in an environment built on DDD principles using an event-sourced …

domain-driven-design cqrs event-sourcing
CQRS event store aggregate vs projection

In a CQRS event store, does an "aggregate" contain a summarized view of the events or simply a reference to …

aggregate cqrs projection event-sourcing