Top "Saga" questions

A pattern that enables a service bus to deal with long-running processes, fault tolerance and scalability.

DDD, difference between a Saga and an Event Dispatcher?

On multiple sites (e.g. here or here Sagas are described as a mechanism that listens to domain events and …

events domain-driven-design saga
CQRS sagas - did I understand them right?

I'm trying to understand sagas, and meanwhile I have a specific way of thinking of them - but I am …

aggregate cqrs saga
react native app works on debug mode, but not works release mode on ios

I Have an app on react native. Debug mode works on ios. But Release mode not works. I tried change …

ios reactjs react-native react-redux saga
How to test redux-saga delay

Problem In redux-saga, I am using yield delay(1000);. During my unit test, I do expect(;. …

reactjs redux redux-saga saga
Yield call returns a promise

So I am trying to learn react-redux-saga. I am building a simple application that just grabs user data from an …

reactjs react-redux redux-saga saga