So I am trying to learn react-redux-saga. I am building a simple application that just grabs user data from an API and displays it. Here is my generator function in my saga:
export function* fetchImage() {
try {
const response = yield call(fetch, '');
console.log("Response 111", response);
const responseBody = response.json();
yield put(setImage(response));
} catch (e) {
yield put(fetchFailed(e));
It simply does a yield call to a url and then dispatches an action. However, the response object isn't coming back as JSON, instead it looks like its returning some response object:
I'm not sure what to do with this object. If you hit the URL directly through the browser it returns a JSON object. How do I get it to return JSON?
So my response.json() is returning this object:
Looks like my object that I want is in the [[PromiseValue]] thing. What is that and how do I get to my value?
You can always access the body of the response object after it's resolved:
const response = yield call(fetch, '');
const responseBody = yield response.json(); // HERE is what you want