Top "Command-pattern" questions

The Command pattern is a Gang of Four behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to represent and encapsulate all the information needed to call a method at a later time.

Using a strategy pattern and a command pattern

Both design patterns encapsulate an algorithm and decouple implementation details from their calling classes. The only difference I can discern …

design-patterns encapsulation strategy-pattern command-pattern
Long list of if statements in Java

Sorry I can't find a question answering this, I'm almost certain someone else has raised it before. My problem is …

java design-patterns command-pattern
Difference between Strategy pattern and Command pattern

What is the difference between the Strategy pattern and the Command pattern? I am also looking for some examples in …

java design-patterns strategy-pattern command-pattern
What is the meaning of dashed arrow in UML class diagram?

What is the meaning of the dashed arrow in a UML class diagram in general? As an example: What is …

uml class-diagram command-pattern
How do I implement a simple undo/redo for actions in java?

I've created an XML editor and I'm stuck at the last phase: adding undo/redo functionality. I've only got to …

java user-interface undo command-pattern
Callback/Command vs EventListener/Observer Pattern

I'm trying to design an async framework and wanted to know what people think are the pros/cons of the …

design-patterns asynchronous callback observer-pattern command-pattern
Well designed query commands and/or specifications

I've been searching for quite some time for a good solution to the problems presented by the typical Repository pattern (…

c# repository-pattern command-pattern specification-pattern
Why should I use the command design pattern while I can easily call required methods?

I am studying the command design pattern, and I am quite confused with the way of using it. The example …

java oop design-patterns command-pattern
using the command and factory design patterns for executing queued jobs

I have a list of jobs queued in the database which I need to read from database and execute them …

c# design-patterns factory-pattern command-pattern
CQRS: Command Return Values

There seems to be endless confusion about whether commands should or should not have return values. I would like to …

design-patterns architecture cqrs command-pattern