Top "Command-pattern" questions

The Command pattern is a Gang of Four behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to represent and encapsulate all the information needed to call a method at a later time.

Using Command Design pattern

Can anyone explain with a simple example the Command Pattern? I tried searching on the internet, but I got confused.

java oop design-patterns command-pattern
Real world example of application of the command pattern

Command pattern can be used to implement Transactional behavior (and Undo). But I could not find an example of these …

java oop design-patterns transactions command-pattern
MVC and command pattern

Ok, this is kinda dumb. I'm trying to wrap my head around the use of the MVC and Command Patterns. …

model-view-controller command-pattern
What is the difference between Command + CommandHandler and Service?

I have been reading about using Command objects to represent use cases that our domain exposes, and Command Handler objects …

design-patterns domain-driven-design cqrs command-pattern
In C# how do I properly implement the Command Design Pattern?

I'm currently studying design patterns and I'm currently looking at the command pattern. Here is my current code: // this is …

c# design-patterns command-pattern
Async method returning Task<T> with generic constraint in C#

I've implemented a command pattern in a project I'm working on. This is pretty much the current structure: public class …

c# generics async-await command-pattern
Get result of executed method in Command Pattern

Currently I'm trying to implement Transaction Script pattern (Exactly how Martin Fowler described by using Command Pattern) in a simple …

c# design-patterns architecture command-pattern
command pattern returning status

Once I had a discussion about design, relative to the command pattern. My peer stated that a command object should …

design-patterns language-agnostic command-pattern
Why is the Command Pattern convenient in Object-Oriented Design?

I don't understand why a Command pattern is convenient in object-oriented design. Instead of using, e.g. the Command Switch …

oop design-patterns command-pattern
What is the Action Design Pattern?

What is the Action Design Pattern, I haven't heard of it before? I am suspecting it is the same as …

design-patterns command-pattern