Top "Collision-detection" questions

Collision detection is the problem of determining if geometric objects intersect.

Collision detection of huge number of circles

What is the best way to check collision of huge number of circles? It's very easy to detect collision between …

algorithm collision-detection geometry
OpenGL GL_SELECT or manual collision detection?

As seen in the image I draw set of contours (polygons) as GL_LINE_STRIP. Now I want to select …

opengl 3d geometry collision-detection picking
Circle-Rectangle collision side detection in libgdx

I have spent hours looking for the solution to this: I am developing a little top-down game with libgdx (maybe …

java libgdx collision-detection intersection
What's a good, simple, 2D rectangles-only collision detection algorithm?

I'm designing a collision detection game tutorial for young adults, so I want this to be as simple as possible …

algorithm 2d collision-detection rectangles
Resources of techniques use for collision detection in 2D?

What are in your opinion the best resources (books or web pages) describing algorithms or techniques to use for collision …

algorithm collision-detection
Collision Detection Using AABB or OBB doubts

I have readed something about it i wanna to do some implementation using this. But i have a few doubts. …

collision-detection bounding-box aabb
How to subdivide a 2d game world for better collision detection

I'm developing a game which features a sizeable square 2d playing area. The gaming area is tileless with bounded sides (…

data-structures collision-detection
Check collision between certain divs

How can I check for collision between certain divs? At the moment I'm using getBoundingClientRect(), but it checks for every …

javascript collision-detection
What technique should be used to prune 2d collision checks?

From the outset, collision detection feels like it is an O(n^2) problem. You have a bunch of objects and …

data-structures collision-detection spatial broad-phase
Swift/SpriteKit Multiple Collision Detection?

Hello. I have a multiple collision problem. There is a bullet, which hits the enemy(red rectangle). Then, it ++ the …

ios swift sprite-kit collision-detection collision