Top "Collision-detection" questions

Collision detection is the problem of determining if geometric objects intersect.

Test if two lines intersect - JavaScript function

I've tried searching for a javascript function that will detect if two lines intersect each other. The function will take …

javascript collision-detection intersection line-intersection
Error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive]

I've been looking into this for a few hours, to no avail. Basically I have struct rectangle { int x, y, …

c++ collision-detection collision allegro
circle-circle collision

I am going to develop a 2-d ball game where two balls (circles) collide. Now I have the problem with …

algorithm collision-detection
What is AABB - Collision detection?

Hi I'm making a voxel game in Java and while researching all the different things I'd need to learn, I …

collision-detection aabb
How do I detect collision in pygame?

I have made a list of bullets and a list of sprites using the classes below. How do I detect …

python pygame collision-detection pygame-surface
Checking Collision of Shapes with JavaFX

I am trying to do some collision detection. For this test I am using simple rectangular Shape, and checking their …

javafx-2 javafx collision-detection
How does 3D collision / object detection work?

I'v always wondered this. In a game like GTA where there are 10s of thousands of objects, how does the …

algorithm data-structures 3d collision-detection
How do I detect collision detection in flash AS3?

I wanted to create a maze in flash AS3, with the user guiding the character. I tried using this (below) …

actionscript-3 collision-detection flash-cs5
Find whether two triangles intersect or not

Given 2 set of points ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2),(x3,y3,z3)) and ((p1,q1,r1),(p2,q2,r2),(…

algorithm language-agnostic geometry collision-detection
How can I perform Collision Detection on rotated rectangles?

Okay, I'm trying to write a program that could tell me if any points in a 30x100 rectangle rotated to 140 …

algorithm math geometry collision-detection