Top "Clr" questions

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of Microsoft's .NET initiative.

Performance of a C# application built on AnyCPU vs x64 platform on a 64 bit machine

I have to deploy a C# application on a 64 bit machine though there is a slight probability that it could …

c# .net clr
Remove signing from an assembly

I have a project open in Visual Studio (it happens to be Enyim.Caching). This assembly wants to be delay-signed. …

c# visual-studio-2012 clr delay-sign enyim.caching
"dumpbin" is not recognized. "dumpbin.exe" is missing

Screen witn issue (developer command prompt) Problem description in English: 'Dumpbin' is not recognized as an internal or external command, …

c# dll visual-studio-2015 clr dumpbin
SecurityException: ECall methods must be packaged into a system module

I have a (C#) function similar to the following. private static bool SpecialCase = false; public void Foo() { if (SpecialCase) { InternalMethod(); …

c# clr securityexception
Python: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'AddReference'?

Am trying to use clr.AddReference and clr.AddReferenceToFile to import an assembly, but python(2.7) keeps making this error: Traceback (…

python .net clr ironpython
Calling C# from C++, Reverse P/Invoke, Mixed Mode DLLs and C++/CLI

As I understand it I can use reverse P/Invoke to call C# from C++. Reverse P/Invoke is simply …

c# c++ clr c++-cli
Equivalent of Class Loaders in .NET

Does anyone know if it possible to define the equivalent of a "java custom class loader" in .NET? To give …

.net compiler-construction programming-languages clr language-features
Are there any .NET CLR/DLR implementations of ECMAScript?

Does anyone know of real (i.. no vaporware) implementations of ECMAScript targeting the .NET CLR/DLR? Ideally something like what …

.net javascript clr dynamic-language-runtime ecma262
How is GetHashCode() implemented for Int32?

I've been looking all over the place, but I can't find anything. Can anyone shed some light on this?

c# .net clr
How to detect which .NET runtime is being used (MS vs. Mono)?

I would like to know during execution of a program whether it is being executed using the Mono runtime or …

c# mono clr