Top "Clr" questions

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of Microsoft's .NET initiative.

Mixing .NET 3.5 with 4/4.5 assemblies in the same process

I'd like to migrate a .NET 3.5 WinForms based application to the latest .NET version (4.5). The application uses "external" components (can …

c# .net clr
Resolve assembly references from another folder

I am developing an application which references and uses some third party assemblies from a certain Vendor; in development box …

c# .net clr assembly-resolution
Implementing C# for the JVM

Is anyone attempting to implement C# for the JVM? As a Java developer, I've been eyeing C# with envy, but …

c# java clr jvm
What are the roots?

What are the roots in garbage collection? I have read the definition of root as "any reference that you program …

.net garbage-collection jvm clr gc-roots
In a switch vs dictionary for a value of Func, which is faster and why?

Suppose there is the following code: private static int DoSwitch(string arg) { switch (arg) { case "a": return 0; case "b": return 1; …

c# dictionary clr switch-statement cyclomatic-complexity
calling managed c# functions from unmanaged c++

How to call managed c# functions from unmanaged c++

c# c++ c#-3.0 clr c#-2.0
Is the CLR a virtual machine?

I read a book which referred to the .net CLR as a virtual machine? Can anyone justify this? What is …

.net clr vm-implementation
the common language runtime was unable to set the breakpoint

This is actually another part of this question. Error settings breakpoints but only on some lines while debugging I'm remote …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 clr dynamics-crm-2011
Force x86 CLR on an 'Any CPU' .NET assembly

In .NET, the 'Platform Target: Any CPU' compiler option allows a .NET assembly to run as 64 bit on a x64 …

c# 64-bit clr code-injection
How to call .NET methods from Excel VBA?

I found a way to call .NET 2 code directly from VBA code: Dim clr As mscoree.CorRuntimeHost Set clr = New …

c# .net vba runtime clr