Top "Clr" questions

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of Microsoft's .NET initiative.

Deciphering the .NET clr20r3 exception parameters P1..P10

I'm trying to decipher the meaning on the P1...P10 parameters associated with a clr20r3 that is written to …

.net exception clr
Performance surprise with "as" and nullable types

I'm just revising chapter 4 of C# in Depth which deals with nullable types, and I'm adding a section about using …

c# performance clr nullable unboxing
A definitive guide to API-breaking changes in .NET

I would like to gather as much information as possible regarding API versioning in .NET/CLR, and specifically how API …

.net api clr versioning cls-compliant
How to call managed code from unmanaged code?

I want to call my .NET code from unmanaged C++. My process entrypoint is .NET based, so I don't have …

.net c++-cli interop clr unmanaged
Why is stack size in C# exactly 1 MB?

Today's PCs have a large amount of physical RAM but still, the stack size of C# is only 1 MB for 32…

c# stack clr stack-size

What is the difference between the JIT compiler and CLR? If you compile your code to il and CLR runs …

c# compiler-construction clr jit
What is clr.dll on .Net framework and what does it do?

I use profiling tools on VS2012 and see,that clr.dll works a lot of time. Is it Garbage Collection? …

c# .net garbage-collection clr profiler
"Object has been disconnected or does not exist at the server" exception

I need to use cross-appdomain calls in my app, and sometimes I have this RemotingException: Object '/2fa53226_da41_42ba_…

c# .net clr appdomain marshalbyrefobject
No AppDomains in .NET Core! Why?

Is there a strong reason why Microsoft chose not to support AppDomains in .NET Core? AppDomains are particularly useful when …

.net clr appdomain .net-core
what does "CLR20r3" stand for? (what version of the clr is it)

the obvious choice would be "CLR version 2.0 revision 3" but unfortunatly there is no such a thing. The closest I can …

.net clr crash-reports