Top "Cls-compliant" questions

The CLS (Common Language Specification) is a set of constraints on APIs and a complementary set of requirements on languages.

Why is this name with an underscore not CLS Compliant?

Why do I get the compiler warning Identifier 'Logic.DomainObjectBase._isNew' is not CLS-compliant for the following code? public abstract …

c# .net cls-compliant
A definitive guide to API-breaking changes in .NET

I would like to gather as much information as possible regarding API versioning in .NET/CLR, and specifically how API …

.net api clr versioning cls-compliant
Why should I write CLS compliant code?

I've found a lot of pages about CLS compliance. I've understood that CLS compliance: Is a way to guarantee different …

c# cls-compliant
Base type is not CLS-compliant, what reasons of this warning?

I have got warning from subject on one of my classes. Actually class is very simple, just an inheritor of …

c# cls-compliant
Why are unsigned int's not CLS compliant?

Why are unsigned integers not CLS compliant? I am starting to think the type specification is just for performance and …

c# .net unsigned-integer cls-compliant
Why is my function not CLS-compliant?

I'm getting the following warning message... Return type of function 'ConnectionNew' is not CLS-compliant. ...for this function: Public Function ConnectionNew(… warnings cls-compliant
Why is my code not CLS-compliant?

I've got errors when I build my project: Warning as Error: Type of 'OthersAddresses.AddresseTypeParameter' is not CLS-compliant C:...\Units\…

c# .net cls-compliant
CA1014 Mark 'some.dll' with CLSCompliant(true) error message with StyleCop of VS2010

When I run StyleCop, I got this error message saying that I need to Mark the dll with CLSCompliant(true). …

visual-studio visual-studio-2010 dll stylecop cls-compliant
Reference Name case is not CLS Compliant

I have a .NET 3.5 C# project that has a namespace of SampleNamespace.Tools.Sample. If I add an assembly called "…

c# reference cls-compliant