Top "Clr" questions

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is a core component of Microsoft's .NET initiative.

Are static indexers not supported in C#?

I've been trying this a few different ways, but I'm reaching the conclusion that it can't be done. It's a …

c# .net clr
MP3 playing using mci send string c++

I'm trying to play some mp3 files as my background music in one of my project which Im doing. I …

c++ visual-c++ clr mci
Load assemblies with dependencies in a different AppDomain

My aim is to make a missing dependency check between 2 given folders. Imagine the following setup. Root\DirA\A.dll …

c# clr appdomain appdomainsetup
Why check this != null?

Occasionally I like to spend some time looking at the .NET code just to see how things are implemented behind …

c# .net clr reflector
How to reference GAC assemblies when integrating a CLR extension into SQL Server

I've created an assembly for CLR integration in SQL Server 2008. It has one reference to System.Web.Extensions, which is …

sql-server clr gac
how to deploy the CLR functions in SQL server 2008

I created a SQL Server Project in VS2008 called 'RegularExpression'.In that Project i created a 'Regex.cs' class and …

sql-server visual-studio-2008 deployment clr sqlclr
Possible to downgrade/rollback .NET 4.5 runtime?

I was wondering if there was a way to rollback or downgrade the .NET 4.5 runtime back to .NET 4.0. I am … clr rollback downgrade
Clojure on the CLR

I'm interested in investigating Clojure on the CLR. I see that there is a port--but I'm always a bit leery …

clojure clr clojureclr
Why does struct alignment depend on whether a field type is primitive or user-defined?

In Noda Time v2, we're moving to nanosecond resolution. That means we can no longer use an 8-byte integer to …

c# .net struct clr memory-alignment
Why value types can't be null

I know that it is possible to have Nullable value types that wraps the value type and gives ability to …

c# .net null clr value-type