Top "Ecma262" questions

ECMA-262 is a Standard defining the ECMAScript scripting language also known as JavaScript.

What is the difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

What's the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript? From what I've deduced, ECMAScript is the standard and JavaScript is the implementation. …

javascript ecma262
Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript?

Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript? It was added and then deprecated in JavaScript, but it …

javascript ecma262
JSON left out Infinity and NaN; JSON status in ECMAScript?

Any idea why JSON left out NaN and +/- Infinity? It puts Javascript in the strange situation where objects that …

javascript json ecma262
Can I disable ECMAscript strict mode for specific functions?

I don't find anything about my question here on MDC or the ECMAscript specifications. Probably somebody knows a more 'hacky' …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecma262 strict-mode
Why is there no OFFICIAL JavaScript reference?

I tried to search for a JavaScript reference, but there's none available. The best two suggested sources are MDN (Mozilla …

javascript reference web-standards ecma262
How can I rewrite the ErrorMessage for a CustomValidator control on the client?

I have a CustomValidator that is validating a telephone number for several different telephone numbering schemes. The client-side javascript looks … javascript validation client-side ecma262
Javascript maximum size for types?

Looking into javascript types I'm trying to find out what the maximum storage size for some data types are. For …

javascript cross-browser ecma262
Why JSON allows only string to be a key?

Why does JSON only allow a string to be a key of a pair? Why not other types such as …

javascript json ecma262
Is there any way to check if strict mode is enforced?

Is there anyway to check if strict mode 'use strict' is enforced , and we want to execute different code for …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecma262 strict-mode
EBNF for ECMAScript?

I'm trying to find a good EBNF description of ECMAScript, but so far I've not found anything complete. Any ideas?

javascript bnf ebnf ecma262