Top "Strict-mode" questions

According to Mozilla Developer Network, ECMAScript 5's strict mode is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript.

What is "strict mode" and how is it used?

I've been looking over the JavaScript reference on the Mozilla Developer Network, and I came across something called "strict mode". …

javascript strict-mode
Why is body.scrollTop deprecated?

It seems body.scrollTop (and body.scrollLeft) are deprecated in ES5 strict-mode. What is the reason for this, given that …

javascript scrolltop strict-mode
How to find and disable MySQL strict mode?

Hello everybody I wanted to find this mysql strict mode for whmcs and disable it but i didn't had a …

mysql cpanel whmcs strict-mode
Can I disable ECMAscript strict mode for specific functions?

I don't find anything about my question here on MDC or the ECMAscript specifications. Probably somebody knows a more 'hacky' …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecma262 strict-mode
Why is delete not allowed in Javascript5 strict mode?

I'm fairly new to javascript. I noticed that apparently when operating in "use strict" mode, you can't delete objects. I'm …

javascript ecmascript-5 strict-mode
Two functions with the same name in JavaScript - how can this work?

As far as I know, function foo() { aaa(); } is just var foo = function(){ aaa() } in JavaScript. So adding function foo() { …

javascript function closures strict-mode
Why are Octal numeric literals not allowed in strict mode (and what is the workaround?)

Why are Octal numeric literals not allowed in JavaScript strict mode? What is the harm? In case a developer needs …

javascript ecmascript-5 octal strict-mode
material-ui Drawer - findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode

I have a simple ReactJS app based on hooks (no classes) using StrictMode. I am using React version 16.13.1 and Material-UI …

reactjs material-ui deprecation-warning react-navigation-drawer strict-mode
TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property. in Angularjs application on iOS8 Safari

Our Mobile App is getting "TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property." only on IOS 8 and the stack traces are …

angularjs ios8 strict-mode