Top "Deprecation-warning" questions

A deprecation warning indicates that a method is obsolete.

Turn off deprecated errors in PHP 5.3

My server is running PHP 5.3 and my WordPress install is spitting these errors out on me, causing my session_start() …

php wordpress deprecation-warning
Is `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` really deprecated? What can I use instead?

Is "shouldOverrideUrlLoading" really deprecated? If so, what can I use instead? It seems like shouldOverrideUrlLoading is deprecated targeting Android N …

android webview android-webview deprecated deprecation-warning
getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on insecure origins

I am getting this error on my website which requests Geolocation data from the user: getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated …

javascript html geolocation deprecation-warning
Preprocessing in scikit learn - single sample - Depreciation warning

On a fresh installation of Anaconda under Ubuntu... I am preprocessing my data in various ways prior to a classification …

python scikit-learn deprecation-warning
setBackgroundDrawable() deprecated

So my sdk goes from 15 to 21 and when I call setBackgroundDrawable(), Android Studio tells me that it's deprecated. I thought …

android deprecated deprecation-warning
Method setDrawerListener is deprecated

While I'm doing something on my app, I see that the navigation drawer on my app reduced its size. But …

android drawerlayout deprecation-warning
Django 1.9 deprecation warnings app_label

I've just updated to Django v1.8, and testing my local setup before updating my project and I've had a deprecation …

python django deprecation-warning
Is it possible to mark something as deprecated in typescript?

I'm writing typescript definitions for a Javascript API with a deprecated method. Here's an extract of the documentation (they say …

typescript deprecated deprecation-warning typescript-definitions
React 16.7 - React.SFC is now deprecated

I use to declare stateless components like this: const example: React.SFC<IExample> = ({propsType}) => (); However the SFC …

reactjs typescript deprecated deprecation-warning
Convention for HTTP response header to notify clients of deprecated API

I'm upgrading our REST API endpoints and I want to notify clients when they are calling the to-be-deprecated endpoint. What …

rest http http-status-codes deprecation-warning