Top "Android-webview" questions

Part of the Android API.

How to listen for a WebView finishing loading a URL?

I have a WebView that is loading a page from the Internet. I want to show a ProgressBar until the …

android android-webview
How to load external webpage inside WebView

My problem is that the webpage is not loaded inside the webview. mWebview.loadUrl(""); launches the …

android android-webview webpage
How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

I have an app in which I have a WebView where I display some websites. It works, clicking a link …

android android-webview
Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen

I have tried the following to fit the webpage based on the device screen size. mWebview.setInitialScale(30); and then set …

android webview scaling android-webview
WebView showing ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED although site is HTTPS

I'm starting to work on an app on Android, so I don't have much. All I have is just a …

android android-webview
Android webview launches browser when calling loadurl

I created an Activity that has a title and a web view in a LinearLayout. In the onResume() method it …

android android-webview webviewclient
Load HTML file into WebView

I have a local html page along with several other resources pointed by it (css files and Javascript libraries) that …

android android-webview local
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview

Well, I've been searching few days already, how to display HTML5 video in full-screen mode on android WebView. I managed …

android android-webview html5-video
Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser

So right now in my app the URL I'm accessing has a redirect, and when this happens the WebView will …

android android-webview
WebView and HTML5 <video>

I'm piecing together a cheapo app that amongst other things "frames" some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient. …

android html video webview android-webview