Top "Android-webview" questions

Part of the Android API.

Webview not able to load https url in android?

I am implementing webview application in android. When i am trying to load https url one or two times it …

android android-webview httpsurlconnection
Android WebView not stopping after user presses back

I am playing a YouTube video inside a WebView. I am able to play it, but when the person leaves …

android webview android-webview
Android JS in WebView.loadUrl()

I want to load a webpage in WebView but remove parts of the webpage. So, I created a custom WebViewClient. …

javascript android android-webview webviewclient
WebView WebRTC not working

I'm trying to show WebRTC chat in WebView. Related to this documentation WebView v36 supports WebRTC. For my test i'm …

android android-webview webrtc android-permissions webviewchromium
Setting webview background image to a resource graphic in Android

I'm trying to set the background of a webview to a drawable image resource in Android. From the sdk it …

android android-webview android-ui android-resources
Android Webview shouldOverrideUrlLoading method

When is shouldOverrideUrlLoading method called? webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient(){ @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { } }); Is it called …

android android-webview uri android-assets
How to add padding around a WebView

My layout file defines a WebView, underneath which there are some fixed height buttons. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &…

android android-layout android-webview padding
Android Webview: Detect when rendering is finished

I want to snapshot the WebView after the WebView is loaded. However, the returned bitmap is always null because the …

android android-webview snapshot
Android: Using WebView outside an Activity context

I am trying to achieve Web Scraping through a background IntentService that periodically scrape a website without a view displaying …

android android-activity android-webview web-scraping intentservice
Android WebView VS Phone Browser

I've experienced a LOT of strange behaviours with using WebView in Android and I'm wondering why there are so many …

android android-webview android-browser