Top "Android-webview" questions

Part of the Android API.

Loading html file from local folder into webview

I'm new to Android development. I want to load a html file into a webview. Note that there are so …

android html android-webview
How would I display one view as an overlay of another?

I have two views that take the whole screen and I want to display both views at the same time, …

android android-layout android-webview
How to enable javascript into webView

In android if I use javascript into webView it gives Force Close. Is there any possibilities for using java script …

javascript android android-webview
How to change the FontSize in an Android WebView?

How can you manually change the font size of a webview? e.g. When the page loads up in the …

android android-webview font-size android-fonts
WebView methods on same thread error

I have a android program (Java + html in a webview). I can call from the javascript to the Java code. …

javascript android android-webview
Webview avoid security alert from google play upon implementation of onReceivedSslError

I have a link which will open in webview. The problem is it cannot be open until I override onReceivedSslError …

android google-play android-webview android-security sslerrorhandler
handling links in a webview

I have my WebView loading all links inside the webview - but when I select an email link it tries …

android android-webview
Pass cookies from HttpURLConnection ( to WebView (android.webkit.CookieManager)

I've seen answers about how this should work with the old DefaultHttpClient but there's not a good example for HttpURLConnection …

android cookies android-webview single-sign-on httpurlconnection
how to show the html contents to the webview using android

Following is my html content which i want to show in the webview using android sdk. It will displays only //…

html android android-webview
WebView android proxy

I know how to setting proxy manually and to use it in my WebView. Settings -> Wireless Networks -&…

android proxy android-webview