Top "Android-security" questions

Tag used by Android in Security Alert messages to developers.

What is AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) and how does it work?

What does AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) mean? How does it work? Can I ship the .so file of one …

android aapt android-security
Webview avoid security alert from google play upon implementation of onReceivedSslError

I have a link which will open in webview. The problem is it cannot be open until I override onReceivedSslError …

android google-play android-webview android-security sslerrorhandler
How to fix unsafe implementation of X509TrustManager in Android app

Google has advised that I have an unsafe implementation of the interface X509TrustManager in my Android application and need …

android-security trustmanager
CLEARTEXT communication not permitted by network security policy working on my mobile

I am building an APP, and facing CLEARTEXT communication not permitted by network security policy error on my friend mobile (…

android http android-security cleartext
android Google Play Warning: SSL Error Handler Vulnerability

I use the gorbin/ASNE SDK in my app. I recently received an email from Google with the following subject : "…

android ssl google-play android-security
Google Play Security Alert - Your app is using an unsafe implementation of the HostnameVerifier

Recently one of my app got a security alert from Google Play as below. You app is using an unsafe …

android google-play android-security
How to get Usage Access Permission programmatically

My app needs to have Usage Access Permission in order to get information about the current running app on user's …

android android-security usagestatsmanager
an unsafe implementation of the interface X509TrustManager from google

I hava an app in Google Play, I received a mail from Google saying that: Your app(s) listed at …

java android android-security sslsocketfactory trustmanager
Google Play Warning: WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler

I recently received an email from Google with the following subject : "Google Play Warning: SSL Error Handler Vulnerability". In this …

ssl android-security
Handling certificate errors in Android Webview and clearing the certificate peferences

I am trying to find a proper way to handle SSL certificate errors in the Android Webview. My goal is …

android ssl https android-webview android-security