Top "Android-webview" questions

Part of the Android API.

How can I know that my WebView is loaded 100%?

I'm trying to load in my WebView some HTML code that contains JavaScript. Now , I want to test if my …

android android-webview
Android - extracting cookies after login in webview

I have an application that opens a url in a webview, the user must then login to a site through …

android cookies android-webview cookiestore
Android WebView click open within WebView not a default browser

I did one sample application using WebView, in that web view the URL comes from web services. It's working fine, …

android android-webview
YouTube Video not playing in WebView - Android

I am tying to play YouTube video in WebView, WebView showing first look of video with play button, But after …

android video youtube android-webview
Android ProgessBar while loading WebView

In my application, I have a WebView which loads any URL from the internet. Now, sometimes due to slow networks …

android android-asynctask android-webview android-progressbar
Android - How to show images from resources drawable?

I'm not able to show an image which is saved in res/drawable folder. I use ImageGetter to do this. …

android android-webview android-image android-imageview
Android - Preventing WebView reload on Rotate

When I rotate my screen, the WebView reloads the whole page. I can't have this since some of my content …

java android android-webview
Android WebView "tel:" links show web page not found

I am trying to get my android webview app to open tel: links to the phone. Every time I open …

android android-webview
How to clear cookies and cache of webview on Android when not in webview?

Upon a user's sign out from my app I am clearing everything that may have been cached previously from the …

android android-webview
Call Java function from JavaScript over Android WebView

I want to make a synchronous call to some Java code in my Android app. I am using this solution: …

javascript android android-webview