Top "Whmcs" questions

WHMCompleteSolution, also known as WHMCS, is a commercial billing and automation software program developed by WHMCS Ltd.

Create Carriage Return in PHP String?

We have written a small PHP Hook for our billing system that opens a new support ticket with us when …

php string carriage-return whmcs
How to find and disable MySQL strict mode?

Hello everybody I wanted to find this mysql strict mode for whmcs and disable it but i didn't had a …

mysql cpanel whmcs strict-mode
Including PHP file inside smarty template file

I have completely no idea about smarty template system. What I am trying to do is include a php file …

php include smarty whmcs
whmcs/install/install.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5 and cannot run under PHP 5.5

When I tried to install whmcs, I got this error. /whmcs/install/install.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder …

php ubuntu-12.04 whmcs ioncube
Odd cURL Error - errno 104 (Code 56) In WHMCS

Have just installed WHMCS on my CentOS 6.0 x86 VPS server with cPanel. I've tired to use the WHM Import tool …

php ssl curl centos whmcs