Top "Include" questions

A provision that many programming languages provide to allow functionality defined in one file to be used in another.

How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

Is there something in JavaScript similar to @import in CSS that allows you to include a JavaScript file inside another …

javascript file import include
Include another HTML file in a HTML file

I have 2 HTML files, suppose a.html and b.html. In a.html I want to include b.html. In …

javascript html dom include
Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

I am trying to insert a PDF or doc file as an appendix in my LaTeX file. Do you know …

pdf latex include
What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"?

In the C and C++ programming languages, what is the difference between using angle brackets and using quotes in an …

c++ c include header-files c-preprocessor
Difference between require, include, require_once and include_once?

In PHP: When should I use require vs. include? When should I use require_once vs. include_once?

php include require require-once
Get absolute path of initially run script

I have searched high and low and get a lot of different solutions and variables containing info to get the …

php path include
How to add a default include path for GCC in Linux?

I'd like gcc to include files from $HOME/include in addition to the usual include directories, but there doesn't seem …

linux gcc include environment-variables
Can we call the function written in one JavaScript in another JS file?

Can we call the function written in one JS file in another JS file? Can anyone help me how to …

javascript include
Creating your own header file in C

Can anyone explain how to create a header file in C with a simple example from beginning to end.

c header include include-guards c-header
What is the correct syntax of ng-include?

I’m trying to include an HTML snippet inside of an ng-repeat, but I can’t get the include to …

javascript html include angularjs repeater