A bit shift operation moves the bits contained in a binary numeral or bit pattern to the left or to the right.
Consider the following snip of java code byte b=(byte) 0xf1; byte c=(byte)(b>>4); byte d=(byte) (…
java bit-shiftI am using a java.util.BitSet to store a dense vector of bits. I want to implement an operation …
java bitset bit-shiftIn chapter 2, the section on bitwise operators (section 2.9), I'm having trouble understanding how one of the sample methods works. Here's …
c operators bit-manipulation bit-shift complementi am interested on this problem Interleave bits the obvious way (from http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html) unsigned …
c bit-manipulation bit-shiftI am studying the fast square root algorithm by bit shift. I was stuck by the code from wikipedia. short …
bit-shift square-rootWhat is a optimal way to replace the Least Significant Bit of a byte, with a provided bit? I know …
binary bit-manipulation bit-shift boolean-operationsI have been given a question to convert base from 10 to 2 without using division(/) and modules(%),so I came up …
c++ c++11 bit-shift base-conversion bitwise-andSo, I'm still learning about bitwise operations and can't figure out why this error is happening. I've googled it and …
c++ runtime-error c++14 bit-shift bitwise-orI'm converting some 32-bit compatible code into 64-bit - and I've hit a snag. I'm compiling a VS2008 x64 project, …
c++ 64-bit bit-shiftThe answer for the following program is {6,7,8} but I don't understand why, please explain a bit: module q (); typedef byte …
verilog system-verilog bit-shift