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Why is it that ~2 is equal to -3? How does ~ operator work?
operators bitwise-operators complementIs two's complement notation of a positive number is same as its binary representation?
binary complementIf I use one's complement to represent number, what result should I get? For example, number 01110 ( a positive number),its …
complement ones-complementI am trying to write a decoder for a very simple type of encryption. Numbers from 0-255 are entered via …
java byte unsigned bits complementWhats the 10's complement of 1056.074? Please check the solution: 9999.999 - 1056.074 = 8943.925 (9's complement of 1056.074) Now 1 is added to .074 or 8943?
math decimal decimal-point complement number-systemsI was wondering if someone could double check my work for me real quick. If I'm given two negative numbers: …
binary numbers theory twos-complement complementThere's a question on my exercise sheet to find the complement of two formulas (1) (aa|bb)* and (2) (a|b)(aa|…
regex complementI don't understand how to calculate the 9's complement of a binary number. I can apply it to decimal ones, …
binary bcd truthtable complement gray-codeIn chapter 2, the section on bitwise operators (section 2.9), I'm having trouble understanding how one of the sample methods works. Here's …
c operators bit-manipulation bit-shift complementI will explain first what I mean by "complementing integer value excluding the leading zero binary bits" (from now on, …
java algorithm bit-manipulation complement