Decimal is the name for our common base-ten numeral system.
What is the difference between decimal, float and double in .NET? When would someone use one of these?
.net floating-point double decimalHow do you write a number with two decimal places for sql server?
sql sql-server decimal number-formattingHow can I round a float value (such as 37.777779) to two decimal places (37.78) in C?
c floating-point decimalI want to do this using the Math.Round function
c# decimal rounding bankers-roundingI'm trying to figure out decimal data type of a column in the SQL Server. I need to be able …
sql sql-server types decimalI'm having some problems formatting the decimals of a double. If I have a double value, e.g. 4.0, how do …
java formatting double decimalIs there any module or function in python I can use to convert a decimal number to its binary equivalent? …
python binary decimal