Floating point numbers are approximations of real numbers that can represent larger ranges than integers but use the same amount of memory, at the cost of lower precision.
In Python, how can I parse a numeric string like "545.2222" to its corresponding float value, 545.2222? Or parse the string "31" to …
python parsing floating-point type-conversion integerI want a to be rounded to 13.95. >>> a 13.949999999999999 >>> round(a, 2) 13.949999999999999 The round function does …
python floating-point rounding precisionWhat is the best possible way to check if a string can be represented as a number in Python? The …
python casting floating-point type-conversionI would like to format my numbers to always display 2 decimal places, rounding where applicable. Examples: number display ------ ------- 1 1.00 1.341 1.34 1.345 1.35 …
javascript floating-point number-formattingWhat is the correct format specifier for double in printf? Is it %f or is it %lf? I believe it's %…
c floating-point printf double format-specifiersI've read about the difference between double precision and single precision. However, in most cases, float and double seem to …
c++ c floating-point precisionWhat is the difference between decimal, float and double in .NET? When would someone use one of these?
.net floating-point double decimalThis problem is killing me. How does one roundup a number UP in Python? I tried round(number) but it …
python floating-point integer rounding python-2.xI'm running the following python script: #!/usr/bin/python import os,sys from scipy import stats import numpy as np …
python string floating-pointIs there a way to step between 0 and 1 by 0.1? I thought I could do it like the following, but it …
python floating-point range