Better algorithm for complementing integer value excluding the leading zero binary bits

null picture null · Aug 6, 2012 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

I will explain first what I mean by "complementing integer value excluding the leading zero binary bits" (from now on, I will call it Non Leading Zero Bits complement or NLZ-Complement for brevity).

For example, there is integer number 92. the binary number is 1011100. If we perform normal bitwise-NOT or Complement, the result is: -93 (signed integer) or 11111111111111111111111110100011 (binary). That's because the leading zero bits are being complemented too.

So, for NLZ-Complement, the leading zero bits are not complemented, then the result of NLZ-complementing of 92 or 1011100 is: 35 or 100011 (binary). The operation is performed by XORing the input value with sequence of 1 bits as much as the non-leading zero value. The illustration:

92:  1011100
     1111111 (xor)
     0100011 => 35

I had made the java algorithm like this:

public static int nonLeadingZeroComplement(int n) {
    if (n == 0) {
        return ~n;
    if (n == 1) {
        return 0;

    //This line is to find how much the non-leading zero (NLZ) bits count.
    //This operation is same like: ceil(log2(n))
    int binaryBitsCount = Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n - 1);

    //We use the NLZ bits count to generate sequence of 1 bits as much as the NLZ bits count as complementer
    //by using shift left trick that equivalent to: 2 raised to power of binaryBitsCount.
    //1L is one value with Long literal that used here because there is possibility binaryBitsCount is 32
    //(if the input is -1 for example), thus it will produce 2^32 result whom value can't be contained in 
    //java signed int type.
    int oneBitsSequence = (int)((1L << binaryBitsCount) - 1);

    //XORing the input value with the sequence of 1 bits
    return n ^ oneBitsSequence;

I need an advice how to optimize above algorithm, especially the line for generating sequence of 1 bits complementer (oneBitsSequence), or if anyone can suggest better algorithm?

UPDATE: I also would like to know the known term of this non-leading zero complement?


Keppil picture Keppil · Aug 6, 2012

You can get the highest one bit through the Integer.highestOneBit(i) method, shift this one step left, and then subtract 1. This gets you the correct length of 1s:

private static int nonLeadingZeroComplement(int i) {
    int ones = (Integer.highestOneBit(i) << 1) - 1;
    return i ^ ones;

For example,

