Top "Square-root" questions

A square root of a number A is a number y such that y^2 = A, or, in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y × y) is A.

Writing your own square root function

How do you write your own function for finding the most accurate square root of an integer? After googling it, …

algorithm function math square-root newtons-method
How do I compute the square root of a number without using builtins?

how can I create a method that returns the sqrt of a given nunber? For example: sqrt(16) returns 4 and sqrt(5) …

algorithm math floating-point square-root
Looking for an efficient integer square root algorithm for ARM Thumb2

I am looking for a fast, integer only algorithm to find the square root (integer part thereof) of an unsigned …

embedded arm square-root
John Carmack's Unusual Fast Inverse Square Root (Quake III)

John Carmack has a special function in the Quake III source code which calculates the inverse square root of a …

algorithm floating-point square-root
How can I find the Square Root of a Java BigInteger?

Is there a library that will find the square root of a BigInteger? I want it computed offline - only …

java biginteger square-root
How to Calculate the Square Root of a Float in C#

How can I calculate the square root of a Float in C#, similar to Core.Sqrt in XNA?

c# math square-root
Square root of BigDecimal in Java

Can we compute the square root of a BigDecimal in Java by using only the Java API and not a …

java bigdecimal square-root
Easiest way to find Square Root in Swift?

I have been trying to figure out how to programmatically find a square root of a number in Swift. I …

swift math square-root
Shortest way to check perfect Square?

Possible Duplicate: What's a good algorithm to determine if an input is a perfect square? I want Shortest and Simplest …

c# square-root