Top "Bitwise-and" questions

Anything related to the bitwise-AND operation, i.e. a binary operation carried out on two integer operands whose result is obtained performing the logical AND between each pair of corresponding bits in the operands.

What does value & 0xff do in Java?

I have the following Java code: byte value = 0xfe; // corresponds to -2 (signed) and 254 (unsigned) int result = value & 0xff; …

java integer byte bitwise-and
What is (x & 1) and (x >>= 1)?

I am trying to do assignment: "Find the number of bits in an unsigned integer data type without using the …

c++ bit-manipulation bitwise-operators bit-shift bitwise-and
Mod of power 2 on bitwise operators?

How does mod of power of 2 work on only lower order bits of a binary number (1011000111011010)? What is this number …

c math bit-manipulation bitwise-operators bitwise-and
explain arguments meaning in res = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask = mask)

I am trying to extract blue colour of an input image. For that I create a blue HSV colour boundary …

python opencv bitwise-and
Bitwise AND on 32-bit Integer

How do you perform a bitwise AND operation on two 32-bit integers in C#? Related: Most common C# bitwise operations.

c# bitwise-and
Mask and extract bits in C

I've been looking at posts about mask but still can't get my head around how to extract certain bits from …

c mask bitwise-operators bit-shift bitwise-and
XOR from only OR and AND

How do you do the XOR bitwise operation if you only have available the AND and the OR operations?

bitwise-operators xor bitwise-and
How to mask byte value in Java?

My problem is some like this. I have some calculation in byte in Java. In some calculation I get my …

java byte masking bitwise-and
Doing a bitwise operation on bytes

I got two objects, a and b, each containing a single byte in a bytes object. I am trying to …

python python-3.x bit-manipulation bitwise-and
java & operator with two integers?

From what I understand the & operator is similar to the && operator except that the && only …

java bitwise-operators bitwise-and