Top "Autocompletetextview" questions

AutoCompleteTextView is an Android widget that automatically shows complete suggestions as the user types.

AutoCompleteTextView not completing words inside parentheses

I have implemented AutoCompleteTextView as follows: ... public static String[] myData=new String[]{"Africa (AF)","America (AFM)","Apple (AMP)"}; …

android android-arrayadapter autocompletetextview
Android AutocompleteTextView using ArrayAdapter and Filter

Backgroud information The app I am currently writing deals with places. The main method to create a place is to …

android autocomplete android-arrayadapter autocompletetextview
AutoCompleteTextView drop down height limited in dialog popup

The dialog pop-up is located here. How the AutoComplete results stop at the end of the pop-up view is here. …

android autocompletetextview
How to set completionThreshold to AutoCompleteTextView with java code?

I have this AutoCompleteTextView: AutoCompleteTextView a = new AutoCompleteTextView(this); I need to set completionThreshold flag value to 1, and i want …

android android-layout android-view autocompletetextview layoutparams
Android: Autocomplete TextView Similar To The Facebook App

I have an AutoCompleteTextView in my app. The app makes use of the Facebook SDK. I followed the code from …

android android-listview autocompletetextview
AutoCompleteTextView - disable filtering

I'm retrieving a list of strings from a webservice and I want to list them up on a AutoCompleteTextField regardless …

java android filter android-arrayadapter autocompletetextview
AutocompleteTextView with async suggestions doesn't show dropdown

I add TextChangedListener to AutocompleteTextView. In TextChangedListener's afterTextChanged() I invoke AsyncTask which loads data from web (loading all the data …

android autocompletetextview
AutoCompleteTextView float hint

I've tried a lot, but can't make work an AutoCompleteTextView float hint using the TextInputLayout from support. It's possible or …

android material-design android-support-library autocompletetextview android-textinputlayout