Top "Android-textinputlayout" questions

Layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text.

How to change the floating label color of TextInputLayout

With reference to the new TextInputLayout released by Google, how do I change the floating label text color? Setting colorControlNormal, …

android android-edittext android-design-library android-textinputlayout
how to change color of TextinputLayout's label and edittext underline android

I am using android design library's TextinputLayout. But couldn't customize the hint color, label color and the underline color of …

android android-design-library android-textinputlayout
TextInputLayout :How to give padding or margin to hint?

I have to use TextInputLayout of design support library in my project. I want to give space between hint and …

android android-layout androiddesignsupport android-textinputlayout
How to set TextInputLayout error message colour?

How can I change the colour of the error message that can be set to appear below the text field …

android android-textinputlayout
Outlined Edit Text from Material Design

How can I implement an outlined text field (as shown on this material design page)?

android android-layout android-edittext material-design android-textinputlayout
Change the TextInputLayout outline color

I'm trying to customize a TextInputLayout with material style. I managed to set the focused state to the colors I …

android material-design android-styles android-textinputlayout
Disable/Remove floating label hint text in TextInputLayout XML

This may seem counter-intuitive but is there a way to disable or remove the floating label hint in TextInputLayout? The …

android android-textinputlayout
InflateException when using TextInputLayout

I'm trying to use TextInputEditText from Material Design ( and …

android android-edittext android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead

I'm using an EditText inside a TextInputLayout, but after upgrading the support library to 23.2.0, I get this warning in the …

android android-layout android-edittext android-support-library android-textinputlayout
How to add floating label on Spinner

After using the Android Design Support Library's TextInputLayout to place a floating label above an EditText component, I was wondering …

android android-layout android-spinner material-design android-textinputlayout