Top "Android-textinputlayout" questions

Layout which wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text.

TextInputLayout passwordToggle with rounded corners

I'm using TextInputLayout from android design library version 25.1.1. With the following code: < xmlns:android="…

android android-layout xamarin android-design-library android-textinputlayout
EditText with TextInputlayout layout With hint and Border

I want EditText like one in above image. The problem is that if I use TextInputLayout it shows default bar …

android android-textinputlayout
Keep TextInputLayout always focused or keep label always expanded

I was wondering if it's possible to always keep the label expanded regardless of whether or not there is text …

android android-textinputlayout
TextInputLayout: RuntimeException - Failed to resolve attribute at index 24

I keep on getting this error when I try to setErrorEnabled on my textInputLayout : 03-12 12:29:03.206 5706-5706/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: …

android android-edittext android-popupwindow android-textinputlayout
TextInputLayout suffix/prefix

I want to add suffix to TextInputLayout. An example is taken from the Are there any standard solutions?

android android-textinputlayout material-components material-components-android
Opaque background in floating hint in TextInputLayout

I have to make a textinputlayout with the floating hint label, that needs to have a white background. Some what …

android android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
How to fix background red color TextInputLayout when isEmpty in Android

I want setError when TextInputLayout isEmpty, I write this code but when show error message, set red background for TextInputLayout! …

android android-edittext android-textinputlayout
How to change bottom line color and hint color of TextInputEditText?

I am using TextInputLayout and TetInputEditText to get floating hint. Now I want to change the color of hint and …

java android colors android-textinputlayout android-textinputedittext
TextInputLayout EditText nextFocusRight not working as should

I have two TextInputLayout elements side by side: firstname and lastname. Below them I have another full width TextInputLayout element: …

android android-edittext android-textinputlayout
Error text in TextInputLayout is covered by keyboard

The TextInputLayout contains an EditText which in turn receives the input from the user. With TextInputLayout introduced with the Android …

android android-layout android-design-library androiddesignsupport android-textinputlayout